Reputable companies don’t go around promising free services or massive discounts. After all, they’re in business to make a profit. When someone makes you an unbelievable offer, you should maintain a healthy suspicion.
Be Cautious of Big Discounts or Phony Offers, especially when a company tells you they will give you cash for your old equipment. Most of the old equipment can be recycled and any coolant should be properly extracted from the unit and that can also be cleaned and recycled, but any reputable contractor will have already built this cost into their replacement estimate.
After all, this isn’t an old car you are trading in – once it leaves your home it will not be reinstalling it somewhere else. If an HVAC contractor is offering you cash for your old equipment this should throw up a huge red flag. This means that they are inflating the actual cost and overcharging you the amount they claim they are paying you.
It takes time, expertise and much work to properly dispose of HVAC equipment and nobody is going to do that for free. It’s Illegal to dispose of your own AC equipment, and only a trained professional will be able to remove the materials safely and according to specific regulations.
And even if the company is not offering cash back but the price seems too good to be true - make sure they aren’t cutting corners just to get the work and always get at least two quotes. It costs a lot of money to buy and install the best equipment and hire quality installers. Be sure the company you choose is not using second-rate equipment or taking shortcuts.
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